Genre: Historical Drama
Year of Production: 2013/2014
Co-Producers: naked eye filmproduction, Sabine Lamby
Distribution: Universal Pictures International Germany
Director: Giulio Ricciarelli

Screenplay: Elisabeth Bartel
Casting: An Dorthe Braker
Director of Photography: Martin Langer, Roman Osin
Editing: Andrea Mertens
Score/ music: Niki Reiser, Sebastian Pille
Production Design: Manfred Döring
Costume Design: Aenne Plaumann
Make-up Artist: Verena Weißert, Judith Müller

Frankfurt 1958: nobody wants to look back to the time of the National Socialist regime. Young prosecuting attorney Johann Radmann comes across some documents that help to initiate the trial against some members of the SS who served in Auschwitz. But both the horrors of the past and the hostility against his work bring Johann to the point of meltdown. It is nearly impossible for him to find his way through this maze; everybody seems to have been involved or guilty.

Alexander Fehling, André Szymanski, Gert Voss, Johann von Bülow, Friederike Becht, Hansi Jochmann, Robert Hunger-Bühler, Johannes Krisch, Lukas Miko, and many more…

Festivals: Toronto International Film Festival, Zurich Film Festival, Festival International du Film d’Histoire Pessac, Festival di Conéma Européen des Arcs

Awards: Festival International du Film d’Histoire Pessac: Grand Prize of the Jury, Grand Prize of the Student’s Jury, Audience Award. Festival di Conéma Européen des Arcs: Audience Award. Bayerischer Filmpreis: Alecander Fehling as Best Male Actor in a Leading Role

Hessen Invest Film, FFF Bayern, FFA, DFFF, Bayerischer Bankenfonds