Genre: Crime Series
Year of Production: 2007
Distribution: World Sales: Telepool
Station: Bayerischer Rundfunk, Cornelia Ackers
Director: Andreas Kleinert
Year of Production: 2007
Distribution: World Sales: Telepool
Station: Bayerischer Rundfunk, Cornelia Ackers
Director: Andreas Kleinert
Screenplay: Alexander Buresch und Matthias Pacht
Director of Photography: Johann Frido Feindt
Casting: Madelaine Jakwert
Editing: Gisela Zick
Score/ music: Andreas Hoge
Production Design: Gabriele Wolff
Costume Design: Dorothee Kriener
Make-up Artist: Scharka Cechova
Sound recording: Peter Kovarik
Everybody claims not to have seen anything of the momentous assault, even Rosi though she just had an argument with her mother at the roadhouse. Not even a video taken by a CCTV camera can help as the crucial minutes are missing. Tauber and Obermaier soon find out that 19-year-old Rosi is pregnant and she was on the way to an abortion clinic with her mother. Rosi doesn't say a word about the father of the child. And also Rosi's father, who still has contact to her and his ex-wife, but is married to another woman, is not able to help the detectives. At first everything indicates that Rosi's new boyfriend Claus may be the father of her child. But who ist the perpetrator? Finally the missing parts of the video can be reconstructed and it looks like Rosi knows the person who commited the crime...
Edgar Selge, Michaela May, Juliana Götze, Michael Brandner, Sven Hönig, Annette Paulmann, Johannes Terne, Margret Volker, Corinna Beilhart, Peer Tasch, Ella Thomas, Nora Gleich, Katja Lechthaler, Moritz Hohne, Butz Buse
Awards: Robert Geisendörfer Preis, Hamburger Krimipreis, Fernsehkrimi Preis Wiesbaden 2009
Festival: Filmfest München