Genre: Crime Series
Year of Production: 2010
Station: Bayerischer Rundfunk, Cornelia Ackers
Director: Hans Steinbichler

Screenplay: Christian Jeltsch
Casting: Daniela Tolkien
Director of Photography: Bella Halben
Editing: Susanne Hartmann
Score/ music: Hans Wiedemann
Production Design: Heike Lange
Costume Design: Caro Sattler
Make-up Artist: Anette Keiser und Monika Münnich
Sound recording: Peter Kovarik

Chaos and hectiness on the streets. All police forces and public authorities are in upheaval. There was a terror alarm. And it was as serious as never before. Inspector von Meuffels and his asssitant Anna Burnhauser stay calm and take the right conclusions. They apprehend a criminal but they can not take hold of him. And they can not prevent the explosion. Von Meuffels is on the crime scene amidst the horrific events. He tries to help. There is a young witness who is jammed under the remains of a smashed concrete pier. He says that there must be a second assassin who managed to escape somehow. Von Meuffels wants to get information from the young man and realizes that he will die very soon. Meanwhile Anna tries to find more evidence away from the crime scene.

Matthias Brandt (Hanns v. Meuffels), Anna Maria Sturm (Anna Burmhauser), Sebastian Urzendowsky (Mahmud Nasiri), Saskia Vester (Silke Mayer, Sigi Zimmerschied (Max Unterkofer), Rainer Bock (PvD), Hannes Hellmann (Conrad Cassdorf), Markus Böker (Lukas Broosig), Margarita Broich (Greta Janussen), Gabriel Raab (Assistent Bender), Ditte Schupp (Mahmuds Mutter), Tayfun Bademsoy (Mahmuds Vater), Christina Hecke (Mitarbeiterin), Jochen Strodthoff (Notarzt), Alexander Beyer (Mann), Fiorina Bogatu (Roma Mädchen), Shirin Lotze (KIT – Frau)

Nominiation for the Fernsehkrimipreis (TV Crime Award) 2011

Special Award for an Outstanding Acting Performance for Matthais Brandt, Fernsehtage Baden-Baden 2011

Bavarian TV Award as Best Actor for Matthias Brandt in Series and Mini Series 2012