Genre: Crime Series
Year of Production: 2016/2017
Station: Bayerischer Rundfunk, Stephanie Heckner
Director: Rainer Kaufmann

Screenplay: Katrin Bühlig
Director of Photography: Klaus Eichhammer
Casting: An Dorthe Braker
Editing: Vera van Appeldorn
Score/ music: Verena Marisa Schmidt
Production Design: Petra Heim
Costume Design: Lucie Bates
Make-up Artist: Sabine Hehnen-Wild, Udo Riemer
Sound recording: Peter Preuß

While Batic forgets the time over a nookie with his girlfriend Josie, Leitmayr has to help Kalli with his removal. Contrary to Batic he actually is glad to be called to the crime scene since carrying moving boxes is quite exhausting and Kalli's mother soon is getting too close. When he arrives, murder victim Verena Schneider lays in the hall of a multi-family house right in front of the letterboxes. Soon the trail leads to Verena's boyfriend Thomas Jacobi, a successful architect. Before her death both had an argument, but for the time of the crime Thomas has an alibi as he was with his doctor Dr. Slowinski. Shortly after that Dr. Slowinski is also found dead and Batic and Leitmayr find out that she not only was his doctor, but also his girlfriend, which makes Thomas a suspect. Gradually the inspectors delve into a network of love affairs and many women who don't know anything about the other relationships Thomas had simultaneously. Batic and Leitmayr wonder how this well calculated love management could have worked until it falls apart like a chain reaction.

Miroslav Nemec, Udo Wachtveitl, Martin Feifel, Juliane Köhler, Hanna Scheibe, Ferdinand Hofer, Anna Schäfer, Genija Rykova, and many more…